Full Name
Kate Wolff
Job Title
CEO & Founder
Lupine Creative
Speaker Bio
As founder and CEO of Lupine Creative, Kate serves as pack leader on all business. An award-winning advertising executive, Kate has stewarded some of the world's most impactful brands, helping them tap into popular culture. She comes from a traditional 360 advertising background and has worked at agencies including Publicis Modem, DDB, TBWA\Chiat\Day, Omelet LA, and RQ. Kate has a deep understanding of the advertising and marketing space and frequently turns the traditional brand marketing strategy on its head through cultural, data, and behavioral insights. She built LA-based agency Lupine Creative in February 2020 with a base of experiential, social, and cultural expertise, which has boasted year-over-year revenue growth. The approach that's made the difference: to spark solutions with cultural strategy—and then to create through experiences and partnerships that manifest as cultural capital. Lupine clients include HBO Max, Spotify, Google, Teva, LG, Universal Standard, Birdies, and more.
Kate Wolff